Thursday, October 30, 2008

Bloody fingers anyone?

My friend Melissa brought these by tonight!
It is some type of peanut butter dough with red gel an almond for the finger tip and last BUT NOT least a pretel in the middle for "texture". What a clever idea~ Thanks Melissa!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Congrats Dylan

Dylan recieved his Wolf merit badge and his World Conservation Award. Apparently very few cub scouts get their World Conservation Award. Dylan really loves scouts and I am so proud that he works so hard. Dustin was never really into Scouts nor my brothers so this is all new to us. I think deep down Dustin is actually enjoying himself!
Dylan got to pin a wolf pin on his dad!

Dustin's nice art work

MY PROUD BOY!!!! With his bag of loot.

Dylan's Monster Cake

Here is the proud Birthday boy! He loves that his birthday is near Halloween. I didn't want a Halloween baby but it looks as if I got one! Thanks to Grandma Susie for the cake once again. You always come up with the best ideas for birthday cakes!

Friday, October 24, 2008

On a brighter note

Jaylan's tooth finally broke through She likes Halloween clothes
And posing for mom

Liking the swing again


Okay where do I start!?!?!?!?!

The fianle to a perfect night!!! I was getting ready for Dylans party. I still needed to make carmel corn and get things set up for the party. I had Missy's two kids and I heard JaKell crying very loudly I heard her say "Ashlee get my brother" I went out to see what was wrong and she was crying so hard she could tell me what the matter was. She said she couldn't move her hand. I picked her up and her wrist and thumb were swollen. She said she jumped off the trampoline and landed on her hand. How many times have I told her not to jump off the tramp?!?!?!? Well I called Dustin to see if he could get off work to take her to the Dr. Well he couldn't and I don't have a car big enough to take all the kids so I just had to let her rest. When Dusitn came home he took her to the DR. and was put in a cast. She has a buckle fracture in her wrist!!!! These are the only picks I could get she won't let anyone see it or touch it. And she doesn't want to go to school tomorrow. I told her she didn't have too it is Saturday!
She doesn't want anyone to ask her what happened, I told her because Monday is her show and tell day I would let her class know what happened and then she wouldn't have to tell the story over and over to kids in her class. POOR THING!!! I feel bad because I couldn't get her to the Dr until later in the evening! I SUCK BAD!!!

Dylan had a friend party tonight! It was crazy fun!! He wanted to watch movies and hang out with friends. He chose Halloween town From the disney channel we had to turn it off because it was too scary for some of the kids! OKAY WHATEVER!!! If you have seen teh movie you know what I am talking about! Zack So proud of his decorating skills!

Missy Chillin on Pizza
Decorating cookies!
The party gang!

Dylan wanted to go somewhere fancy for dinner on His birthday this is where he chose to eat. I don't know if this is a bad sign!!! I laughed and said that might be to fancy for us! Dustin looking thrilled to be at Golden Corral

Dylan all smiles about his choice in food.

Sharee Diggin' In on the rolls!

Dylan likes the meat!!! MORE MEAT!!!!

We represent the Lolly POP Guild

Halloween Candy Quiz

Halloween Candy Quiz

You are a Lollypop

Like the Lollypop you are sweet and lickable;)

Find out which Halloween Candy you are at

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Cub Scout Shirt anyone?

I am in need of a Medium cub scout shirt. Dylan has earned his bobcat,wolf and 1 gold 5 silver arrows. I would really like to get a shirt fairly cheap if possible. I have being putting it off for sometime but it is time I am now in need of a shirt. If anyone sees one or has one PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let me know!

HAPPY 9th birthday DYLAN Born Oct 21st 1999 6:36 pm 7lbs 8oz 20inches long!!!!



Monday, October 20, 2008

Now that's Professional

Here is Dylan's poster for 3rd grade. I sent the pics to Walmart to get copied and when Dustin picked them up he was asked who took the pic of the family. He said his sister did he asked if it was professional and he said no his sister just took in the mountains but he was asked to sign something saying they weren't professional. GREAT JOB Sharee!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Jaylan's special day

Jaylan was blessed on Sunday and I was very emotional. I just want to thank Kregg Knight for an AWESOME JOB!!!! THANKS SO MUCH! You will never know how grateful I am for you. It is amazing to me how willing some people are to help me when I am in need. I haven't been strong in the church for sometime even so I am so GRATEFUL for the strong members of the church. When my faith struggled in the past I had Gage and Ryan to talk to. I miss them very much along with our conversations, but I know they are goingto be AMAZING DOCTORS!!!! I am grateful for the time I had to share with them.


Me, my mom and Dustin had all three babies on Sunday. They all got hungry at the same time so Dylan fed Ella JaKell Fed Breeya

Then they played Then just chilled

Pics with Gramps

Here are the kids with Dustins dad

Jaylan and grandpa Eddy

Monday, October 6, 2008

Fall Pics

Dylan Really hates to pose for pictures. But I MADE HIM!!!! JaKell is on the other hand is a POSER! WE took the kids up to the canyon and took some fall pics, I really didn't take any of Jaylan because she is still to little to sit so I would have had car seat pics!
KIDS will be KIDS!!! Playing in the dirt.

Salsa and Chili sauce

JaKell was such a great helper. She help us stir the chili sauce so it wouldn't burn! Here is the chili sauce we made for grandpa.
Grandpa being surprised with the chili sauce. He is 97 and loves chili sauce. He hasn't has a batch of chili sauce made for him in 5 years. So we wanted him to have some. He puts it on everything!
So excited he wanted to eat it from the bottle