Friday, November 28, 2008

OK OK OK OK So here is my twilight UpDaTe

First off our shirts Jenn: I want Edward,Missy: Edward who? Sharee: Save a vampire ride a werewolf
JENNS upclose The GiRlS

Melissa's ooo you know!

The Ride!
Now that's HAWT
This is for story sake "steve" he made sure us ladies stayed in line and brawls didn't bust out!
Missy's "friend" If any of you know my sister I need not explain!
We were to excited to sit and wait!!!
I loved LOVED LoVeD the movie. I have seen it 3 times. I didn't know how I would like it because of reading the books. When you imagine someone else in you head it can be very disappointing if you don't agree with the casting. When I first seen who the cast was I was a little disappointed BUT I LOVED IT MUST SEE! DROP EVERYTHING AND GO NOW!


The Wiseman's said...

His name was James!!! and yes he was my new best friend. I am still waiting for him to bring me popcorn!

The Brandon Family said...

Why wasn't i invited. I am your sister you know. JK I am planning on going some day.