Sunday, February 15, 2009

Monster Trucks 2009

This was Zack's first time going to the Monster Trucks AND HE LOVED IT!!! He was so excited the whole time!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

VaLeNtiNeS cOoKiEs

The kids LOVE HOLIDAY COOKIES I love watching them enjoy themselves
YUMMY YUMMY tooooo bad I can't HAVVVYYYY


Snowy Roads

I have never Seen 5 plows before I KNOW weird that I would post this but here ya go!


Time flies!!! The babies are now 8 months old and eating everytihng in sight!! least Jaylan is.

And boy does she like them.


Jaylan sporting her new Look! I got these googly eyes and everyone has had their fair share of FUN TIMES!!! Georgeous!!!! I SEE HOLLYWOOD IN YOUR FUTURE!
Even Dustin got in on the action

Is that Sharee giving in to her inner child!!!!??