Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Day at Lagoon

We went to Lagoon and JaKell first thing runs to the fountain she was SOAKED but loved it. Funny thing tho she wouldn't ride Rattlesnake Rabbits as she calls it because she didn't want to get wet! GO FIGURE!

Fountain fun!
Dylan is about a 1/2 inch away from not being able to ride the kiddy bumper cars. I told him he shouldn't go on it but he wanted to. I laughed because he barely fits! Dylan and Taylor both riding the kiddy rides!
Dylan decided to go on the cliff hanger! I watched as Dylan closed his eyes the ENTIRE RIDE! I asked why he said because they went upside down and that was SPOOKY. When he got off he wanted to go again this time in the back because it doesn't go upside down. He liked it much better.


Jaylan is 2 weeks old. She went to the Dr and she is 8 #'s and 20.5 inches. She is doing very well.
She also had her first "real" bath. Her cord fell off on day 9 but her belly button has bled a little so I didn't dare get it wet because she has kind of an outty belly button which I am not use to. I though that maybe she still had some cord left that wasn't quite dry, but the Dr says everything looks good just keep an eye on it to make sure there isn't any changes in color or fluid.
She has grown and changed so much in two weeks! We call her alfy because she kinda has the alfalfa look!!!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

5th generation

Jaylan is a 5th Generation baby on my side through my mom my other kids had my great grandfather and Great grandmother but my great grandmother passed away a little over a year ago. Here she is with her Great Great grandfather. She also is a 5th generation on Dustin side through his mother. Hopefully we get pics soon.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

So Cute!

The kids fight over who can hold Jaylan, Who has held her longer and who gets to hold her first.
Jaylan and her Big brother Dylan
This is a rare photo we all know how much I love my pic taken so her ya go enjoy because you may not ever see another!
The cutest little baby in my life!

Look at these cute little feet!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Hubby Tag

1.What's his name? Dustin Gordon Eddy
2. How long have you been together?15 yrs
3. How long did you date? 5.5 yrs
4. Who eats more? I don't really know If you look at who has gained the most weight since being married me!
5. Who said "I love you" first? He did
6. Who is taller? Dustin
7. Who sings better? Neither
8. Who is smarter? He is by far
9. Who does the laundry?He does
10. Who does the dishes? he does
11. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? He does
12. Who pays the bills? He does
13. Who mows the lawn? He does
14. Who cooks dinner? We both do
15. Who drives when you are together? Dustin
16. Who is more stubborn? I am by far
17. Who kissed who first?He did what a perv!
18. Who asked who out first? I did
19. Who proposed? Dustin (look what I found in my Pudding!)
20. Who is more sensitive? I am
21. Who has more friends? I do
22. Who has more siblings? I do
23. Who wears the pants in the family? He does

Happy Father's Day

Happy Fathers Day Dustin!!!I seems a little weird to have 3 kids but we really couldn't ask for a better baby. Jaylan is the sweetest little baby! The kids got Dustin some Kasey Kahne PJ bottoms and a tee shirt. They also got him an 8 man tent that I bought at the Gateway in March when me, Missy and Sharee took the girls to Princess' on ice. It was way to heavy for me or Sharee to carry because we we sooooo pregnant and poor Missy had jsut got her breast reduction and she ended up taking it to the car for us. Had I known it was that heavy I would not have bought it but o WELL!!!! Thanks Missy~

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Jaylan Lee Eddy Arrives

Just warming up! My mommies water broke in the wee hours of the morning. (6:15am). She and daddy went to the hospital around 8 am and just hung out. Because my mommy doesn't have any drugs the nurses wouldn't give her any Pit to get things going because they wanted to give her her own nurse so they waited until they could give her their full attention. Around 12:45 they started hooking her up. They were done around 1:00pm and 23 min later her I was!
Me and my sis
I am one week old today
All I want to do is eat and eat and eat and poop and cry and did I mention EAT!!!
Is this something to eat? Let me have a taste....

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Dance 08

JaKell didn't want to take an hour with the curling iron so we did sponge curlers for the first time!
MOM put me on stage and take my picture
SHUFFLE change and there goes my shoe!!!!!!!!
She couldn't finish the dance because she was laughing so hard.